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Add APIs and Environment Variables

Easily add APIs manually or upload Postman collection to integrate API in your app.

Go to your React app builder, on page list select API management from the left menu. Here, you can Add new API, Delete or Edit an existing one.

To add a new one, click on Add new API.

Two ways to add APIs

1. Upload Postman file

Upload the API Postman collection & environment file to get the list of all the APIs from the Postman file.

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2. Create APIs manually

  • Add APIs manually by clicking on the Add new API button. It will redirect you to the API runner page.

    Step 1:

    Select the API method from the top-left and enter the URL. Below is the list of methods that are supported;

    PUTPUT method creates or updates a specified resource
    GETGET method retrieves information from a specified resource
    DELETEDELETE method deletes the specified resource
    POSTPOST request is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource

    If Headers and Params are already set into the Postman collection for an API then it will be auto-set here.

    Step 2:

    The next step is to add Header, Params, and Body;

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    • Send API request: Once you Send the request. You will get the response and the API will be auto-saved for you. To send request click on Send or use shortcut Ctrl + G.

    JSON: Your API response will be formatted into JSON, which will be visible from here.

    Raw: The raw API data which you got from the API response is available here.

    Headers: The headers from the API response are stored here.


    Show code: Get code for your API by clicking on Send -> Show code or simply use shortcut S. You can select from a range of languages available.

    Import cURL: Import API from cURL by clicking on Send -> Import cURL or simply use shortcut C

Add Environment Variables

  • The environment variable Global comes as default. However, you can always create new variables. In the environment variable, you can add variables and its value as shown in the below GIF.
  • To use those variables in the URL simply use curly braces {{variable_name}}
  • Once you've built the app follow the TODO in your source code to change to different environment variables.

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