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VS Code Extension

With the help of the VS Code extension, developers can easily sync their application code to Visual Studio Code and start customizing app code within seconds.


Check out the Android Studio/IntelliJ plugin. Learn more.

How to Download and Use the VS Code Extension

Follow the below steps to set up and use Visual Studio Code extension:

Step 1: Install the WiseGPT extension

Go to the Extensions view in VS Code. Search for "WiseGPT" and install the WiseGPT extension.

Install extension

Step 2: Initialize and authorize with WiseGPT extension

Click on the WiseGPT icon on the sidebar. Click on it to run the extension.

Sign in with WiseGPT. If you are already a DhiWise user, click DhiWise; otherwise, sign up with your GitHub or Google account.


Sign up to DhiWise, if you haven't already!

Sign up

Step 3: Select Sync Code from DhiWise option

Once you log in with WiseGPT, click Getting started and click Sync Code from DhiWise.

Select option

Step 4: Open your project directory

Click Open project folder to open your desired project directory in Visual Studio Code, where you plan to sync your DhiWise generated application code.

Open project directory

After selecting your project directory, proceed by following Step 3 again.

Step 5: Paste Application Token

Confirm the prompts and paste your token into the field as shown below:

Paste token


When you choose the option Sync Code from DhiWise, it will always synchronize the latest build of your application.

Press Enter, to initiate the code sync process.

Sync code process

Kudos! Your code is synced from DhiWise on VS Code.

Step 6: Accept Code

Accept entire app code

Click on Accept All to save the entire application code in your project directory.

Accept app code

Accept specific file code

To save specific file(s) code, simply navigate to that file within the project directory and accept the code as shown below:

Accept single file code

How to Sync New Code Changes

To keep your project directory updated with the changes made in your DhiWise application:

Click Back to Dashboard and click Sync Code from DhiWise. Again, the extension will pull the latest changes and sync them to your local project.

Example banner

How to Merge New Code Changes

You can easily merge the latest changes with your existing code as shown below:

Example banner

By using this VS Code extension, you can streamline your development process, ensuring your application code is always up-to-date and easily manageable within VS Code.

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